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Central Florida Accident Lawyer: Top Causes of Orlando Accidents

Central Florida accident lawyer

Injuries and accidents are the fourth leading cause of death in America, killing almost 136,000 people a year. The Orlando region’s leading healthcare providers are reporting that the same holds true for Central Florida.

Many a Central Florida accident lawyer —personal injury attorney—will likely be handling cases involving injuries from accidents like falls and car crashes. Fatal injuries in the report are classified as unintentional (caused by accident) or as deliberate; murder, suicide. In Orange County, unintentional death from falls is the number one cause for those 65 and older.

It may seem odd, but the second most common cause of unintentional death in Orange County is poisoning. Though this brings to mind accidental childhood ingestion of household chemicals, the CDC notes that “Nearly all poisoning deaths in the United States are attributed to drugs, and most drug poisonings result from the abuse of prescription and illegal drugs.” (The report revealed the depths of Florida’s drug abuse problem, noting heroin overdose mortality in the state has nearly doubled since 2012.)

Injury Statistics and the Central Florida Accident Lawyer

The third most common reason for accidental injuries is one most likely to a involve a Central Florida accident lawyer. Most personal injury lawsuits are an effort to recover damages such as medical bills and lost wages after a car crash. It is worth noting in this back-to-school season that a main source of injury and the leading killer of children between the ages of 5 and 14 is pedestrian car accident. The main risk of accidental injury — including fatal injury — for young adults ages 20-24 is drug overdose. But again, being in a car accident or motorcycle crash is a close second.

So, it’s a dangerous world out there and you’ve got to be careful. If someone else’s negligence has turned your world upside down, contact the Orlando car accident attorneys at Martinez Manglardi, PA. With convenient locations throughout Central Florida, we’ve been helping personal injury accident victims for more than 30 years. Call 407-846-2240 for a free consultation.


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