Winning the Best Auto Accident Settlement

Auto accident settlement

Winning a fair auto accident settlement from an insurance company doesn’t come easy. If you are injured in a car accident, you will almost certainly hear from the other driver’s insurance company quickly. They’ll be friendly and tell you how sorry they are that you’re hurt. They’ll promise to take care of you and make what appears to be a generous offer. Given that you’ve recently been in an accident and are feeling a little shaken and uncertain about the future, you might be tempted to take the offer.

Getting an Auto Accident Settlement

But it’s a good idea to talk with an Orlando car accident attorney first. An attorney may see that the insurance company is not offering enough money, and they may choose to take the case to trial. If an insurance company knows you have a lawyer who won’t be pushed around, you have a much better chance of getting the settlement you deserve.

The Orlando car accident attorneys at the Martinez Manglardi personal injury law firm have been winning personal injury lawsuit settlements for 35 years. For a free consultation, call 866-730-1367 and schedule an appointment at one of our convenient Central Florida locations.

We get paid only if we win.

Fill out a free case evaluation and discover what Martinez Manglardi can do for you.