Ocala Car Accident Attorney: Florida’s Most Dangerous Town to Drive In

best Ocala car accident attorneyOcala Car Accident Attorney Martinez Manglardi PA says the city’s dangerous driving reputation comes as no surprise. News site 24/7WallSt recently compiled a list of the worst cities for motoring in every state. Used statistics from several sources, they measured safety, cost, and convenience.

In Florida, the worst city to drive a car is Ocala. According to City-Data.com, car accidents in Ocala killed 9 people last year. Car accident lawyers in Ocala note even walking around can be dangerous. Getting hit by a car in Ocala killed three people last year. The latest Ocala car accident involving a pedestrian death occurred when a 78-year-old driver hit a 29-year-old pedestrian. The man was hit by a car as he stood in the middle of NE 7th St. Ocala police are investigating.

Also on the recent Ocala police blotter is the case of the teenager driving a pickup truck into the brick wall of an Ocala lawyer’s office. (The Ocala lawyer in question is not a car accident lawyer, but practices criminal and family law.)  In other Ocala car accident news, Ocala.com reports that Marion County leads the state in drug-related car accident deaths.



Ocala Car Accident Attorney Can Win Settlements for Accident Victims

The Martinez Manglardi car accident lawyers in Ocala can help car accident, motorcycle accident and pedestrian accident victims. Our top-rated personal injury attorneys have been winning settlements for people in Central Florida for more than 30 years. Martinez Manglardi Ocala car, truck, and motorcycle accident lawyer offices are located at 3131 SW College Road, Suite#307-308. If negligence or carelessness hurts you or a loved one, come by our office and we will review your case for free. Call 407-846-2240 for a free consultation.


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