Getting the Best Legal Help After A Car Crash

legal help after a car crash

In the aftermath of a car crash in Florida, victims can be overwhelmed by the complexities of legal proceedings and insurance claims. Getting legal help after a car crash is crucial to ensure that one’s rights are protected and to navigate the intricate legal landscape. A car accident lawyer in Florida can provide comprehensive assistance in various types of accidents, from common car and motorcycle accidents to more specific incidents like slip & falls, medical malpractice, and even workers’ compensation cases.

Professional Legal Help After a Car Crash

From advising on legal rights to dealing with insurance companies, a car accident attorney becomes an indispensable ally. They perform thorough investigations to gather evidence, establish fault, manage medical records to document injuries and negotiate with insurers for fair settlements. Your car accident lawyer will take your case to court if necessary to fight for the settlement you deserve. The best legal help after a car crash is a personal injury attorney who focuses on car accident claims.

Maximizing Compensation: Individuals who opt for legal help after a car crash can recover more compensation than those who handle claims independently. Car crash victims benefit from a personal injury attorney’s experience with insurance companies, knowledge of effective evidence, and access to a network of experts that may be critical for the case.

Finding Legal Help after a Car Crash

The legal framework in Florida allows for various claims to be filed depending on the nature of the collision, including personal injury, manufacturing or design error, or faulty road design claims. A Florida auto accident attorney must demonstrate negligence to succeed in a personal injury claim.

It’s important to note that the statute of limitations for filing a car accident lawsuit in Florida is two years from the date of the accident, underscoring the need for promptly seeking legal help after a car crash. Victims of car crashes in Florida may be entitled to recover both economic and non-economic damages, which may include lost wages, medical expenses, property damage, pain, suffering, and the loss of society.

In the unfortunate event of wrongful death, families may seek compensation for the deceased’s lifetime income and loss of companionship. While there are no caps on compensatory damages in Florida, punitive damages are capped at three times the amount of compensatory damages or $500,000, whichever is higher.

By engaging an experienced and aggressive car accident lawyer, individuals in Florida can navigate the legal process with greater confidence and support, increasing their chances of receiving the justice and compensation they deserve. You’ll ensure that you are getting the best legal help after a car crash.

After a Car Crash

  1. Seek medical attention promptly to document injuries.
  2. Report the accident to the police to obtain an official record.
  3. Document the scene by taking photos and collecting any evidence.
  4. Notify your insurance company about the accident.
  5. Avoid discussing the incident on social media or with other parties involved.

Choosing the Right Car Crash Lawyer

When it comes to choosing an attorney to handle your car accident case, it is of utmost importance to select someone who has specialized knowledge and expertise in car accident law. Knowledge and expertise help ensure that you are getting the best legal help after a car crash. And you should find an attorney who works on a contingency basis, which means that they will only receive payment if you win your case.

Call 407-846-2240 for a free consultation with an Orlando car accident attorney at the Martinez Manglardi personal injury law firm. Convenient locations throughout Central Florida, including Orlando, KissimmeeApopkaPalm BayOcala, and Haines City.

We get paid only if we win.

Fill out a free case evaluation and discover what Martinez Manglardi can do for you.