Winning fair car accident injury compensation can be difficult without an attorney because insurance companies are experts at paying out as little as possible in compensation for your losses.
The amount of any car accident injury compensation depends on a number of elements. The point of an accident settlement is to recover financial losses caused by someone else’s negligent actions. Economic losses include medical bills like ER and doctor visits, prescriptions, medical appliances like crutches, wheelchairs, and braces, as well as any physical therapy sessions.
You should also get compensated for any lost days at work or other lost income caused by the accident.
It’s important to understand that many injuries, especially soft tissue injuries to the neck and back as well as concussions may not be apparent immediately after the accident. People who have been in a car accident should be alert for these “latent injuries” by watching for symptoms like headaches, stiffness or pain in the neck or shoulders, back pain, abdominal swelling, and numbness.
Comprehensive Accident Injury Compensation
A comprehensive personal injury settlement includes enough money to make you whole again – as far as possible. There are some things that money can’t fix, but to the extent that it’s available, it should be enough to pay your expenses, cover your losses and provide a measure of security.
According to the Insurance Information Institute, typical insurance settlements for non-serious injury are about $16,000 for bodily injury and $3,800 for property damage. Serious injuries, of course, call for much higher settlements and often require the help of a personal injury attorney. An experienced and aggressive personal injury attorney knows what kinds of games the insurance companies play — and they know how to make them pay you what you deserve.
Accident Injury Compensation Process
It’s important to contact an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible after seeking medical attention. An attorney needs to look at medical records, gather evidence, take witness statements, examine police reports and take other actions in order to build the best case possible for your personal injury claim.
The Orlando car accident attorneys at the Martinez Manglardi personal injury law firm have been winning accident injury compensation claims for Florida car accident victims for 35 years. We have recovered more than $100 million in verdicts and settlements. Insurance companies know that we have a strong, winning trial record, as well as the resources and determination to win even the most difficult car accident case. We strive to be the best Orlando personal injury lawyers possible. Call 866-730-1367 for a FREE CONSULTATION at one of our convenient Central Florida locations.