Finding a Personal Injury Law Firm after a Car Accident

best personal injury law firm Orlando Personal Injury Law Firm Martinez Manglardi PA wants to help make sure that people who get hurt in accidents know their rights. You need to remember that big corporations and insurance companies deal with accident claims all the time. Their job is to pay out as little as possible for your losses and expenses.

Say you’re driving along, dealing with the I-4 Improvement Project on your way from downtown Orlando to Altamonte Springs. They’ve shifted the S.R. 436 Interchange again so you are paying close attention. And then, out of the blue, comes a tremendous crash. You wake up in a Winter Park Hospital room. As you recover, you begin to think about hospital bills and lost days at work. Plus, your car wasn’t totaled in the wreck, but it’s bad and you’re looking at months without wheels. You think about losing your job.

The bills, the car payments, the rent. These prescriptions are expensive. Your life becomes doctor visits, physical therapy sessions, and high copays. You wind up watching a lot of television with plenty of ads for personal injury lawyers. Then the insurance company, which has been slow to take responsibility for your medical bills, call and offers a cash settlement. It’s their first and lowest offer and they hope you will take it and go away. What they do not want you to do is start looking around for the best personal injury law firm you can find.

How Can a Personal Injury Law Firm Help?

Just as insurance companies know how to keep you from getting a fair settlement after an accident, personal injury lawyers know the best ways to protect your rights. A car insurance company wants you to take their first offer and forget about you. But an experienced car accident attorney knows what the law is and how to hold insurers and big corporations accountable. There may be long-term consequences, health problems, and bills, that you as an accident victim may not be thinking about.

Fighting an insurance company for the compensation you deserve can be difficult if you don’t know the rules of the game. Good attorneys do know the rules. Personal injury lawyers know legal deadlines and how to file claims and forms in the proper manner. You can get a free consultation and good legal representation on a contingency fee. You pay your lawyer’s fee and all of the expenses for your personal injury claim only if you win your case.

And experience counts. If you find yourself looking for the best personal injury law firm in Central Florida, consider that Martinez Manglardi PA has been winning settlements for more than 30 years.  Call 407-846-2240 to get your case evaluated for free at one of our convenient Central Florida locations.

We get paid only if we win.

Fill out a free case evaluation and discover what Martinez Manglardi can do for you.