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Orlando Personal Injury Attorney: Accidents in Roadway Work Zones

Orlando personal injury attorneyOrlando Personal Injury Attorney Martinez Manglardi PA says to slow down to avoid car accidents. With recent reports showing the danger of construction zones, it’s especially important to pay extra attention to roadwork conditions.

Roadway work zone accidents kill nearly 800 people a year. “Work zones play a key role in maintaining and upgrading our nation’s roadways,” says the FDOT. “Unfortunately, daily changes in traffic patterns, narrowed rights-of-way, and other construction activities often create a combination of factors resulting in crashes, injuries, and fatalities. These crashes also cause excessive delays, especially given the constrained driving environment.”

Consequently, as part of its Work Zone Safety Awareness campaign, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is sending out the message to slow down.

Orlando Personal Injury Attorney Says Slow Down

Construction zones increase the risk of car accidents for everyone. Not only is it more dangerous for motor vehicle drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists, but road workers as well. According to the FDOT, Florida’s roads are some of the most dangerous in the country for construction workers. Furthermore, the I-4 Improvement Project, which, in the process of making over one of the most dangerous roads in America, is temporarily making it worse. Construction accidents have killed four workers and injured more than one hundred since the project started in 2015.

With construction turning I-4 in OrangeCounty into an obstacle course worthy of a video game, avoiding a car accident has become something of an art. Abruptly shifting lanes, head-spinning detour signs, sudden stops, and construction vehicles lumbering about make for a dangerous ride. Especially when driving, we have a duty to ourselves and others to take care that our actions don’t harm others. Be mindful. Drive safely.

If an accident has harmed you and you’d like to see if you have a good legal case for damages, you can talk with an Orlando personal injury attorney at Martinez Manglardi PA at no charge. For answers to questions, call 866-730-3513 for a free evaluation at one of our convenient Central Florida locations.

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