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Orlando Injury Lawyers and Car Accident Lawsuit History

Best Orlando injury lawyers for car accident

Orlando injury lawyers recently listened with interest to a program about the American Museum of Tort Law. Located in Connecticut, the museum educates Americans about two things: “Trial by jury; and the benefits of tort law.”

It’s more than just car accidents. Tort law is another name for personal injury law. According to museum curators, it is “the law of wrongful injuries, including motor vehicle crashes, defective products, medical malpractice, and environmental disasters, among many others.”

A recent episode of the Marketplace radio show featured consumer protection activist and attorney Ralph Nader, a founder of the museum. People know Nader as the lawyer who uncovered manufacturer negligence as the prime cause of many car accidents and injuries. The first line of his famous book, Unsafe at any Speed, was an indictment of automakers indifference to safety: “For over half a century the automobile has brought death, injury and the most inestimable sorrow and deprivation to millions of people.”

Personal Injury Attorneys Help Keep us Safe from Accidents

Nader laid bare the role that carmakers played in the devastating number of car accidents and injuries that plague America. He founded the museum to remind people that personal injury law—and injury lawyers—are a vital check to negligence. Not only do personal injury actions allow lawyers to help injured accident victims recover losses; they are also a powerful incentive for manufacturers to provide safe products.

“I think it’s necessary because the right to a trial by jury is enshrined into the Bill of Rights, but it is less and less taught in high school civics classes. People don’t have the opportunity to learn about it,”  Museum Executive Director Newman told the Hartford Courant. “I think it’s long overdue because in the last 30 years, there has been a concerted attack on the jury system, tort law and the quote unquote greedy lawyers. You hear about greedy lawyers, runaway juries, frivolous lawsuits. But that’s not generally the case. I am a big believer that the tort system works pretty well.”


Orlando Injury Lawyers: The Way to Recover Losses when Injured in a Car Accident

Actually, personal injury law is the way for all kinds of accident victims to sue to recover damages. Many car accident lawyers also handle motorcycle accident injuries, medical malpractice and drunk driving accident injury cases. Orlando injury lawyers help people recover losses from slip and fall injuries, nursing home abuse, wrongful death and other cases where negligence caused harm.

America’s system of personal injury law and trial by jury help accident victims recover losses. And they make us all safer by holding responsible parties to account.

Orlando Injury Lawyers Martinez Manglardi, PA have been helping accident victims in Central Florida for more than 30 years. Our car accident attorneys know how to deal with insurance companies to get you the fairest and generous settlement. For a free evaluation of your accident case at one of our convenient locations, call 407-846-2240.


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