Orlando auto accident lawyer and personal injury compensation expert Martinez Manglardi PA is reminding motorists of distracted driving dangers. According to experts, Orange County has the most distracted driving accidents in Florida. Last year there were nearly 7,000 distracted driving accidents in the greater Orlando area. That’s an increase of almost 15 percent over the previous year.
Despite the appalling numbers, as Orlando’s News 6 notes, law enforcement issued only 74 tickets for texting and driving in Orange County.
Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings told News 6 that the problem is likely far greater than reported numbers suggest. He says that’s likely because distracted driving is a secondary offense in Florida. That means police can not pull you over and ticket you if that is the only violation they observe.
“As a society, we have become more dependent now on cellular devices. It has also resulted in the increase in the risk exposure of traffic crashes. And that’s what we’re trying to reduce,” Demings said. He noted that drivers don’t even use available “hands-free” technology that might make in-car communication safer. “Sometimes citizens don’t even use the full extent of the technology that they have with their existing device because of convenience. They have the Bluetooth capabilities or voice capabilities and they don’t even use it because it’s more convenient just to put the phone in a hand and then use the device itself.”
RT news6wkmg: State Sen. Wilton Simpson and state Rep. Emily Slosberg each filed bills that would not only make texting and driving a primary offense in Florida, but would also restrict reading or talking on a wireless device while behind the wheel. https://t.co/mKuZh4s3BO
— Allison McGinley (@McGinleyAllison) November 26, 2018
An Auto Accident Lawyer Can Help with a Settlement
Whether caused by distracted driving or any other type of negligence, a car accident can be devastating. Innocent victims can greatly increase their chances for a fair settlement for losses and medical expenses by finding the best auto accident lawyer available. If you’ve been hurt in an accident that was not your fault, consider the Orlando car accident attorneys at Martinez Manglardi, PA. For over 30 years, we’ve been there for Central Florida accident victims. For a free review of your case, call 407-846-2240 to speak with a personal injury specialist. Offices throughout Central Florida.