Comprehensive Collision Injury Compensation Awards

collision injury compensation

You may be eligible for collision injury compensation if you’ve been hurt in a car accident. Car accidents can be traumatic and life-changing experiences. If you have been injured in a car accident in Florida, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and losses.

Many people hurt in car accidents need help paying for hospital and doctor bills, recovering lost wages, and replacing or repairing damaged vehicles. It’s usually best to consult with an experienced and aggressive car accident attorney to help with your car accident claim. Call 866-730-3508 for a free consultation with an Orlando car accident attorney at the Martinez Manglardi personal injury law firm.

Types of Car Collision Injury Compensation in Florida

If you have been injured in a car accident in Florida, you may be entitled to different types of compensation, including:

  1. Medical expenses: This includes compensation for medical treatment, hospitalization, medication, and rehabilitation.
  2. Lost wages: If you are unable to work because of your injuries, you may be entitled to compensation for your lost wages.
  3. Pain and suffering: This includes compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish caused by the accident.
  4. Property damage: If your vehicle was damaged in the accident, you may be entitled to compensation for the cost of repairs or replacement.
  5. Punitive damages: In some cases, you may be entitled to punitive damages if the other driver was grossly negligent or acted intentionally.

Florida is a “no-fault” state, which means that drivers are required to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. PIP insurance provides coverage for medical expenses and lost wages regardless of who was at fault for the accident. However, PIP insurance has limits, and if your medical expenses and lost wages exceed those limits, you may need to pursue compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Florida also follows a “pure comparative negligence” rule, which means that your collision injury compensation may be reduced if you are found to be partially at fault for the accident. For example, if you were speeding at the time of the accident, and it was determined that you were 20% at fault for the accident, your compensation may be reduced by 20%.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Win Collision Injury Compensation

If you have been injured in a car accident in Florida, it is important to seek the advice of a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. A personal injury attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options and can work to get you the compensation you deserve.

Here are some ways a personal injury attorney can help you:

  1. Investigate the accident: Your attorney can investigate the accident to determine who was at fault and gather evidence to support your claim.
  2. Negotiate with insurance companies: Your attorney can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to get you a fair settlement.
  3. Represent you in court: If your case goes to court, your attorney can represent you and present your case to a judge or jury.
  4. Help you understand your legal rights: Your attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options and can advise you on the best course of action.
  5. Provide emotional support: Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience. Your attorney can provide emotional support and help you cope with the aftermath of the accident.

Choosing the Right Personal Injury Attorney

Choosing the right personal injury attorney can make all the difference in your case. Here are some things to consider when choosing an attorney to win collision injury compensation.

  1. Experience: Look for an attorney with experience handling car accident cases in Florida.
  2. Reputation: Check online reviews and ask for referrals from friends and family.
  3. Communication: Look for an attorney who communicates clearly and regularly with you throughout the process.
  4. Fees: Choose an attorney who works on a contingency fee basis, which means that they only get paid if you receive compensation.

If you’ve been injured in a car crash, talk to an Orlando car accident attorney at the Martinez Manglardi personal injury law firm. Call 866-730-3508 for a free consultation. Convenient locations throughout Central Florida.

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