Florida has the most bicycle accidents according to statistics. In 2021, there were 5,952 bicycle accidents in Florida. These collisions resulted in 5,574 injuries and 169 deaths. Vehicle drivers are the leading cause of bicycle accidents in Florida. In 140 of the 169 fatal bicycle accidents in Florida, the vehicle driver was determined to be at fault. This suggests that motorist error will be responsible for roughly 83% of fatal bicycle accidents in 2021.
Bicycle Accident Statistics
More than 700 bicycle accidents resulted in life-threatening injuries in Florida, while 4,815 accidents resulted in minor injuries. In 76% of the major accidents and 69% of the minor accidents, Florida police reports blamed the motorist. If you’ve been injured, call 866-730-4812 to talk with the bicycle accident attorneys at the Martinez Manglardi personal injury law firm. FREE CONSULTATION. Convenient locations throughout Central Florida.