Looking for the Best Personal Injury Law Firm in Orlando

best personal injury law firm in Orlando

As new law school graduates are setting up shop, “Best personal injury law firm in Orlando” is a title many Central Florida accident attorneys will be vying for. Because, what’s the first thing you Google after been you’ve been in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? If you live in or near the city, it’s “Best car accident attorney in Orlando,”

If you don’t happen to have your own personal counselor on retainer, you look for a lawyer after an accident. You just know you want the best. But the description “the best lawyer in” town is kind of a subjective phrase.  Of course, all the attorneys would love to claim that they are “the best car accident attorney in Kissimmee,” “the best personal injury lawyer in Apopka,” or “the best car accident lawyer in Orange County.”

New Attorneys Aspire to be “Best Lawyers” in Town


Not all lawyers can be the “Best personal injury law firm in Orlando”

Naturally, all the new graduates aspire to become known as the best lawyers in the city, but the Florida Bar Association has some strict rules about that. In fact, according to the rules, lawyers can’t say it about themselves. The Florida Bar’s Handbook on Lawyer Advertising and Solicitation states that a “lawyer may not refer to him or herself as one of the best lawyers in America.”

In other words, lawyers can’t just say “I will get you money for your injuries.” The most a personal injury lawyer can say is that “My goal is to achieve the best possible result in your case,” or “If you are a victim of negligence, I am dedicated to recovering damages on your behalf.”

Orlando car accident attorneys Martinez Manglardi, PA have been dedicated to helping accident victims recover damages for 30 years. If you find yourself Googling “Best personal injury law firm in Orlando” consider Martinez Mangalrdi, PA. We do our best every day for accident victims. For a free case evaluation at one of our convenient locations throughout Central Florida, call 407-846-2240.


We get paid only if we win.

Fill out a free case evaluation and discover what Martinez Manglardi can do for you.