5 Big Mistakes After a Car Accident

after a car accident

The National Law Review points out some common mistakes people make after a car accident. There are some things you need to do right away and some things you should definitely not do. Making the wrong move could have serious consequences for your chances of recovering economic damages – or even your health.

The first thing to avoid doing after a serious crash is minimizing your injuries. It’s natural for many people to downplay possible physical damage after a car crash. Many people believe that feeling uncomfortable, stiff, or confused after a car accident is “normal.” Even though you might minimize or ignore them, these sensations or symptoms could indicate a major injury. Many injuries are not immediately apparent. Such “latent” injuries may have delayed symptoms and could cause major health problems down the road.

Don’t Wait Too Long to Seek Medical, Legal Help

The second big mistake people make after a car accident is waiting too long to see or doctor, file an insurance claim, or talk to a personal injury attorney. After a car accident with injuries, you have a limited time to act in order to protect your rights. If you put off seeking medical attention, you won’t be able to fully describe your injuries. Even worse, you may be further endangering your health. Important pieces of evidence may disappear if the accident is not thoroughly investigated right away. Video footage could get taped over, or witnesses might become unavailable. Also, if you wait too long after a car accident to contact an attorney, it could make it harder to find one who will take the case. A car accident attorney needs enough time to properly prepare a case.

Third on the list of things not to do after a crash is speaking too freely with the insurance company. The insurance adjuster is not your friend. In fact, they work against you. It doesn’t matter if they seem pleasant. They make money by denying claims and paying out as little as possible.

The fourth thing to remember not to do after a car accident is to let someone talk you out of calling 911. It’s important for several reasons, even if the crash isn’t serious. most importantly, it’s the law. Drivers are required to file a crash report according to Florida Statute 316.066 in crashes with injuries or damage over $500. Police officers, emergency personnel, and medical staff provide information that will help document any personal injury claim that you make.

And fifth, after a car accident, never admit fault. You might be answering a lot of questions following a collision from the police, the other driver, witnesses, and insurance agents. No matter who you talk to, avoid taking responsibility. It might not have been your fault even if you think it was.

After a Car Accident Talk to An Attorney

If your injuries and losses occurred as a result of someone else’s negligence or carelessness, talk to an experienced and aggressive personal injury attorney. You’ll want to recover medical costs resulting from the accident, plus any money you lost through missed work, including any lost future wages. The Orlando car accident attorneys at the Martinez Manglardi personal injury law firm have been winning settlements for accident victims for 35 years. Call 866-730-1367 to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION at one of our convenient Central Florida locations.

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